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Design of Delivery Areas of Public Postal Operator by Applying AHP Model
Ivan Bošnjak, Zvonko Kavran, Darko Matijević


The design of delivery districts is a continuous task of postaltechnology because migration of population, construction ofbuildings and traffic routes etc. change the quantity and stJuctureof postal items thus significantly influencing the delivery effeet. In solving the problem of designing the delive1y areas ofpublic postal operator the key values are the quantity of postalitems, length of delivery route and load (effect) of the can·ier.Delivery district borders have to be adequately determined andthey should be relatively uniform in order to achieve rationalizationand to balance the load on the can·ier. To gather thedata about the postal centre area, a model of AHP method applicationhas been set, in which the optimal solution of organizingdelive1y areas is selected by means of the multi-criteria analysisof alternative solutions.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Bošnjak, Zvonko Kavran, Darko Matijević

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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