Promet - Traffic & Transportation Journal
Pioneering the future of mobility
Welcome to the world of Promet - Traffic&Transportation, where we delve into shaping the future of traffic and transportation through innovation and research. Our platform is dedicated to uncovering the latest insights, trends, and technological advancements impacting transportation systems worldwide.
Through an interdisciplinary approach, we explore how intelligent technologies, sustainable solutions, and transportation planning collectively shape the path towards safer, more efficient, and sustainable traffic and transportation systems.
Welcome to Promet - Traffic&Transportation, where we explore shaping the future of traffic and transportation through innovation and research. Discover the latest insights and technological advancements influencing transportation systems worldwide, aiming for safer, more efficient, and sustainable solutions.
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WoS: IF 0.8
Scopus: Citescore 2023 1.9
SJR: Q3 (Engineering)
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Ping WAN, Wei-Lun YANG, Jie-Wen LUO, Xiao-Feng MA
Nowadays, in terms of complex and random incidents for locomotive operation, the prevention and control for every tiny and possible influencing factor is not only costly, but also brings great psychological burden to locomotive drivers. Firstly, 68 sets of data of railway locomotive operation accidents happened in recent two years were collected and compiled. Secondly, the system theory process analysis (STPA) method was adopted to extract 68 accident chains based on those data. Then, the complex network theory and PageRank algorithm were utilised to calculate the importance of every node in directed-weighted network formed by those accident chains. The results showed that the importance of human factors is significantly higher than other layers including environment, facility and management. Especially, no effective control behaviour (H7) and false control behaviour (H10) are the top two important causative nodes among all human factors. Besides, being forced to stop (D39) and overrunning of signal (D42) are the top two important causative nodes among unsafe events. For those nodes with high value of PageRank, some targeted security measures should be adopted, so as to save risk management investment and improve the overall safety level of the locomotive operation system.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Xin DOU, Xiaofeng PAN, Tao FENG
This paper investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel modes choice behaviour using a case study from Wuhan, China. A SP-experiment based survey was conducted in Wuhan, based on which an MNL model and a latent class MNL model were established, respectively. The model estimation results show the following conclusions. First, the attributes that are normally believed to significantly affect the residents’ travel mode choice behaviour turned out to be insignificant during the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, attributes such as age, gender, driving license, income trend, use frequency of public transit, currently most-frequent-used mode, household size, monthly household income, distance from metro station to home, number of confirmed/deaths cases, vaccination are significantly affecting the respondents’ travel preferences. Third, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic leads to a decline in the residents’ preferences toward public transit, but the promotion of vaccines can lead residents to return to the public transit system. Fourth, the respondents were divided into three latent classes: high-susceptible, medium-susceptible and low-susceptible classes. These conclusions are believed to provide a reference for the investigation of impact of the COVID-19 pandemic or other similar public health events on the transportation system, and also offer supports for policy-making to effectively deal with such pandemics.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Xiaojuan LU, Jianjun WANG, Shuai WU, Shiyu ZHENG, Qian LIU
To promote the green and high-quality development of rural e-commerce logistics, we propose the Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Fuzzy Demand (2E-LRP-FD) of the rural e-commerce logistics network. Considering fuzzy demand, government subsidies and simultaneous delivery, the objective function aims to maximise the profit of enterprises considering government subsidies. The fuzzy chance-constrained programming method is used to deal with the triangular fuzzy variables of pickup demands. Additionally, we present a two-stage Improved Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (INSGA-II) that integrates stochastic simulation and a K-means clustering algorithm to effectively solve the problem. In the end, the numerical experiments of algorithm and model design are verified. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed INSGA-II is significantly efficient and effective. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between subsidy strategies and logistics enterprise profits. This research contributes valuable insights for the establishment of rural e-commerce logistics systems.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Jelica DAVIDOVIĆ, Dalibor PEŠIĆ, Boris ANTIĆ
Work-related road deaths are the leading cause of occupational death. These traffic accidents contribute to at least one quarter all work-related deaths. Key risk factors associated with driving for work are driver fatigue and speeding. Driver fatigue is the growing problem of the new era. Due to traffic exposure, commercial vehicles are identified as a particularly risky category. According to traffic accident data, depending on the country, the percentage of traffic accidents caused by driver fatigue ranges up to 40%. In this paper, we used a unique procedure for identifying fatigue based on eleven factors, using expert knowledge, budget allocation and the composite rank method. The case study was realised in the Republic of Serbia, which is a country with a huge professional drivers deficiency problem. The main objective of this paper is to present an approach to reducing work-related road deaths to reach vision zero, based on a model for identifying commercial vehicle driver fatigue before the drivers start their shift. The advantage of this model is that it does not distract the driver in any way while driving and is based on objective data. It does not require recording the driver with a camera or hooking up to an electrode to record heart or brain activity.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Keyuan DING, Yan ZHANG, Xu ZHOU, Hai-Xu GUO, Ran PENG
Non-motorised travel and public transportation travel are recognised as low-carbon travel modes, in contrast to car travel, which is considered a non-low-carbon option. Based on this, the paper proposes a stratified assessment method for the urban low-carbon travel potential. The proportion of the motorised travel population that could potentially shift to non-motorised travel within the entire travel population is defined as the urban Tier 1 low-carbon travel potential. Meanwhile, the proportion of the car travel population that could potentially shift to public transportation travel within the entire travel population is defined as the urban Tier 2 low-carbon travel potential. This method holistically presents the potential for improvement in urban traffic carbon emission control. This method considers distance as a primary negative factor affecting the residents’ willingness to engage in non-motorised travel compared to motorised travel. Additionally, it recognises connection, delay and transfer as the main negative factors influencing the residents’ willingness for public transportation travel over car travel. By comparing the actual travel distances of residents and the actual intensity of connection, delay and transfer in public transportation travel modes with the assumed maximum acceptable distances and intensity for residents, the method identifies the number of people who could potentially shift to corresponding levels of low-carbon travel in hypothetical scenarios. Based on this, the corresponding low-carbon travel potential values are calculated. The method then further analyses the trend of these values as the residents’ acceptable thresholds for non-motorised travel distances and acceptable intensity for public transportation travel connection, delay and transfer change. A relationship curve is fitted, which intriguingly exhibits a reverse “S” shape, allowing for the identification of the “rapid release zone” and “key points” on the curve. These insights are essential for effectively targeting interventions to increase the adoption of low-carbon travel modes. This paper takes the cities of Shanghai and Wuhan in China as examples, conducting a stratified assessment of the low-carbon travel potential for both cities based on 19,732 daily travel origin– destination (OD) survey samples from residents. Additionally, the low-carbon travel potential of the two cities is visualised by district, enabling an analysis of the characteristics of low-carbon travel potential in each city and a comparison of the differences in low-carbon travel potential between them.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Noise pollution from the streets is a critical problem for those living or working near them. Although the traffic noise problem is not a new research topic, it is usually limited to providing average values. This paper aims to determine variations in the instantaneous noise level and its influencing factors using the experimental noise level and theoretical traffic flow using a discrete traffic flow model. The research results suggested that the noise level could be changed by properly managing traffic flow with existing traffic lights without changing the infrastructure. The results of this research may be useful for city transport traffic management institutions.
2025 (Vol 37), Issue 1
Current Special Issue Call
Rethinking the European Railway System
Guest Editors: Armando Carrillo Zanuy, PhD; Juan de Dios Sanz Bobi, PhD
Editor: Borna Abramović, PhD
Deadline: September 10, 2025
The European railway system has played a pivotal role in shaping the continent’s economic integration, cultural exchange, and sustainable mobility solutions. However, this system now faces unprecedented challenges, including climate change imperatives, digital transformation, and the need for revitalised cross-border connectivity.
Addressing funding mechanisms and harmonising regulatory and operational standards are equally vital to achieving seamless cross-border mobility. The current lack of coordination among national rail systems creates significant barriers to forming an interconnected seamless European rail network, underscoring the urgency of developing solutions for improved interoperability, technical standardisation, increased safety, passenger experiences, active participation in supply chain management, unified organisation, and aligned policy frameworks.
This call for papers seeks innovative approaches to rethinking European railways' governance, technology, and infrastructure in the context of 21st-century demands. Original research papers and reviews are welcome.
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16th International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA 2025: Transportation Science and Technology
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – VILNIUS TECH (Vilnius, Lithuania) has the pleasure of inviting You to join the 16th International Scientific Conference TRANSBALTICA 2025: Transportation Science and Technology.
The Conference will be held on September 18–19, 2025. The Conference aims to overview relevant issues of the transport system, present research results and exchange scientific expertise.
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10th International Ergonomics Conference - ERGONOMICS 2024
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the 10th International Ergonomics Conference - ERGONOMICS 2024, which will be held from December 5th to 6th, 2024 in Zagreb, Hotel International.
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Workshop - improving the publication process and developing the support system for the journal
Editorial Board meeting of the Promet – Traffic&Transportation journal took place on May 16th, 2023 as a workshop aimed at improving the publication process and developing the support system for the journal under the leadership of the Editor-in-Chief, Assoc. Prof. Ivona Bajor, PhD.
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Cooperation between Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest and journal Promet – Traffic & Transportation
On March 9, 2023, Editor-in-Chief Ivona Bajor and Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Luka Novačko met with long-term partners of the scientific journal Promet – Traffic & Transportation, representatives of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Vice-Dean for science and international cooperation Dr. Adam Torok and Dr. Tibor Šipoš.
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Faculty of Logistics signed a co-publishing agreement
On December 21, 2022, the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, as the publisher of the scientific journal Promet-Traffic&Transportation and the University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics signed a co-publishing agreement
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Suradnja vezana uz izdavanje međunarodnog časopisa Promet – Traffic&Transportation
Prošlog tjedna održao se sastanak u Celju kojem su prisustvovali glavna urednica časopisa Promet – Traffic and Transportation, doc. dr. sc. Ivona Bajor i zamjenik glavne urednice izv. prof. dr. sc. Luka Novačko sa predstavnicima Univerze v Mariboru, Fakulteta za logistiko, dekanicom Majom Fošner i prodekanom za financije Andrejem Lisecom.
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Explore the selection of scientific papers handpicked by the editor

Snežana Tadić, Mladen Krstić, Milovan Kovač, Nikolina Brnjac
The negative effects of goods flows realisation are most visible in urban areas as the places of the greatest concentration of economic and social activities. The main goals of this article were to identify the applicable Industry 4.0 technologies for performing various city logistics (CL) operations, establish smart sustainable CL solutions (SSCL) and rank them in order to identify those which will serve as the base points for future plans and strategies for the development of smart cities. This kind of problem requires involvement of multiple stakeholders with their opposing goals and interests, and thus multiple criteria. For solving it, this article proposed a novel hybrid multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) model, based on BWM (Best-Worst Method) and CODAS (COmbinative Distance-based ASsessment) methods in grey environment. The results of the model application imply that the potentially best SSCL solution is based on the combination of the concepts of micro-consolidation centres and autonomous vehicles with the support of artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technologies. The main contributions of the article are the definition of original SSCLs, the creation of a framework and definition of criteria for their evaluation and the development of a novel hybrid MCDM model.
2022 (Vol 34), Issue 5
Ahmed Jaber, Bálint Csonka
The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of land use, built environment and public transportation facilities’ locations on destinations of bike-sharing trips in an urban setting. Several methods have been applied to determine the relationship between predicting variables and trip destinations, such as ordinary least squares regression, spatial regression and geographically weighted regression. Additionally, a comparison between the proposed models, count models and random forest has been conducted. The data were collected in Budapest, Hungary. It has been found that touristic points of interest, and healthcare and educational points have a positive impact on bike-sharing destinations. Public transportation stops for buses, trains and trams attract bike-sharing users, which has a potential for the bike-and-ride system. Land use has different effects on bike-sharing trip destinations; mostly as a circular shape variation within the urban structure of the city, such as residential, industrial, commercial and educational zones. Other variables, such as road length and water areas, form as constraints to bike-sharing trip destinations. Geographically weighted and spatial regression performs better than count models and random forest. This study helps decision-makers in predicting the origin-destination matrix of bike-sharing trips based on the transportation network and land use.
2023 (Vol 35), Issue 1
Emma Strömblad, Lena Winslott Hiselius, Lena Smidfelt Rosqvist, Helena Svensson
In search for measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport, insights into the characteristics of all sorts of trips and specifically trips by car are needed. This paper focuses on everyday leisure trips for social and recreational purposes. Travel behaviour for these purposes is analysed considering individual and household factors as well as properties of the trip, based on Swedish national travel survey data. The analysis reveals that everyday leisure trips are often of joint character and that the average distance travelled per person and day increases with, for example, income, cohabitation, children in the household and residence in rural areas. The result also shows that the studied characteristics vary between studied trip purposes, influencing the sustainability potential of a reduction in car use and suggested measures. For instance, the largest share of passenger mileage comes from social trips, whereas trips for exercise and outdoor life have the largest share of car trips below 5 km. Several characteristics indicate difficulties in transferring trips by car to, for example, bicycle or public transport due to convenience, economy, start times, company etc. The study indicates that there is a need to take a broader view of the effective potential.
2022 (Vol 34), Issue 4
Laura Eboli, Maria Grazia Bellizzi, Gabriella Mazzulla
Evaluating air transport service quality is fundamen-tal to ensure acceptable quality standards for users and improve the services offered to passengers and tourists. In the transportation literature there is a wide range of studies about the evaluation of public transport service quality based on passengers’ perceptions; however, more recently, the evaluation of air transport service quality is becoming a relevant issue. Evaluating service quality in air transport sector represents a more stimulating chal-lenge, given the complexity of air transport system in re-gards to the other systems; in fact, air transport service is characterised by a great variety of service aspects relat-ing to services offered by the airlines and provided by the companies managing airports. The complexity of such a service requires a deep investigation on the methods adopted for collecting and analysing the data regarding passengers’ perceptions. We propose this paper just for treating these interesting aspects and to provide an ex-haustive literature review of the studies analysing ser-vice quality from the passengers’ point of view, where the opinions of the passengers are collected by the Customer Satisfaction Surveys (CSS). We decided to select papers published within the last decade (2010–2020) in journals indexed in important databases such as Scopus and WoS.
2022 (Vol 34), Issue 2
Junzhuo Li, Wenyong Li, Guan Lian
Data-driven forecasting methods have the problems of complex calculations, poor portability and need a large amount of training data, which limits the application of data-driven methods in small cities. This paper proposes a traffic flow forecasting method using a Nonlinear AutoRegressive model with eXogenous variables (NARX model), which uses a dynamic neural network Focused Time-Delay Neural Network (FTDNN) with a Tapped Delay Line (TDL) structure as a nonlinear function. The TDL structure enables the FTDNN to have short-term memory capabilities. At the same time, before the data is input into the FTDNN, the use of trend decomposition or differential calculation on the traffic data sequence can make the NARX model maintain long-term predictive capabilities. Compared with common nonlinear models, the FTDNN has structural advantages. It uses a simple TDL structure without the memory mechanism and the gated structure, which can reduce the parameters of the model and reduce the scale of data. Through the four-day data of Guilin City, the traffic volume forecast for five minutes is verified, and the performance of the NARX model is better than that of the SARIMA model and the Holt-Winters model.
2022 (Vol 34), Issue 6
Ying Chen, Zhigang Du, Zehao Jiang, Congjian Liu, Xuefeng Chen
For urban extra-long underwater tunnels, the obstacle space formed by the tunnel walls on both sides has an impact on the driver's driving. The aim of this study is to investigate the shy away characteristics of drivers in urban extra-long underwater tunnels. Using trajectory offset and speed data obtained from real vehicle tests, the driving behaviour at different lanes of an urban extra-long underwater tunnel was investigated, and a theory of shy away effects and indicators of sidewall shy away deviation for quantitative analysis were proposed. The results show that the left-hand lane has the largest offset and driving speed from the sidewall compared to the other two lanes. In the centre lane there is a large fluctuation in the amount of deflection per 50 seconds of driving, increasing the risk of two-lane collisions. When the lateral clearances are increased from 0.5 m to 2.19 m on the left and 1.29 m on the right, the safety needs of drivers can be better met. The results of this study have implications for improving traffic safety in urban extra-long underwater tunnels and for the improvement of tunnel traffic safety facilities.
2023 (Vol 35), Issue 4