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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2020 Patricija Bajec, Danijela Tuljak-Suban, Tuljak-Suban, Danijela , , Ivona Bajor, Bajor, Ivona ,

A Warehouse Social and Environmental Performance Metrics Framework

Authors:Patricija Bajec, Danijela Tuljak-Suban, Tuljak-Suban, Danijela , , Ivona Bajor, Bajor, Ivona ,


To improve the supply chain performance in all three aspects of sustainability (social, economic, and environmental), a comprehensive sustainable performance measurement system that captures all the supply chain partners’ efforts and commitments is required. Warehouse, as the second largest logistics source of environmental pollution in the supply chain has been almost completely overlooked and ignored in the past studies. To fill this gap, a warehouse performance metrics framework for environmental and social performance measures was proposed using a novel Fuzzy Delphi and Best-worst methodological approach. The method is less time-consuming than the Analytic Hierarchy Process or Analytic Network Process, it does not address whether criteria are dependent or independent, requires fewer comparisons of criteria, but still produces reliable and credible results. The presented framework consists of 32 equally formulated environmental and social performance indicators, including formulas and measurement units. The 14 most important indicators are ranked according to the requirements of different stakeholders.

Keywords:warehouse, performance metrics, environmental performance, social performance, Fuzzy Delphi, Best-worst method


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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
2024 © Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal