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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2020 Nijolė Batarlienė, Raimondas Šakalys, Šakalys, Raimondas ,

Criteria Impacting Synchronization of Transport Flows along International Transport Corridor

Authors:Nijolė Batarlienė, Raimondas Šakalys, Šakalys, Raimondas ,


The main goal of this paper is to determine the main technical and technological criteria impacting the effectiveness of the synchronization of transport flows in the East-West Transport Corridor (EWTC) in the southern part of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) corridor using a specific questionnaire. The results were processed using the Kendall rating correlation method, and the compatibility of the expert selection was analysed using a match factor. Following Kendall’s concordance coefficient and consistency ratio values, the expert opinions were reconciled. In the course of the research using the Average Rank Transformation into Weights (ARTIW) method, the normalized subjective weights of the main technical and technological impacting synchronization of transport flows were determined. The outcomes of the research presented in the paper have shown that the main technical criteria impacting synchronization are: railway infrastructure and road transport infrastructure at the terminals. The most important technological interaction criteria are accessibility of seaports and accessibility of railway distribution stations. In the following stages of research, the main criteria of the above two factors should be used to create models and facilitate synchronization with the purpose of building an interconnected transport system spanning all modes of transport.


Keywords:synchronization, technical interoperability, technological interaction, intermodal terminal, transport corridor


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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
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