A great many factors determine airside capacity. In the firstgroup are those factors correlated with characteristics of manoeuvringarea such as number, layout and location of runwaysand taxiways. In the following group there are elements correlatedwith flight operations such as arrival, departure, touchand go operations and also the factors related to the aircraftsuch as weight, separation and wake vortex separation criteria.In the last group there are all other elements such as meteorologicalconditions and restrictions, ecological conditions, airtraffic control skills and equipment, etc.This paper presents a detailed description of runway occupancytime in arriving and departing flight operations and indicationsfor possible improvements
Horronjeff, R; and McKelvey, F. X.: Planning and Design
of Airports, McGraw Hill Inc., 1993
European Air Traffic Management Programme:
Guidelines on Runway Capacity Enhancement, Eurocontrol
Enhancing Airside Capacity, Eurocontrol, Edition 2.0,
Guest Editor: Eleonora Papadimitriou, PhD
Editors: Marko Matulin, PhD; Dario Babić, PhD; Marko Ševrović, PhD.
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