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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2012 Saša Propadalo, Damir Bekavac, Zoran Jakšić

Spare Modules Management Optimization of Airspace Surveillance System

Authors:Saša Propadalo, Damir Bekavac, Zoran Jakšić


This paper presents an application of Poisson distribution method for managing the optimal number of spare modules of the Croatian airspace surveillance system. Out of a large number of modules and electronic parts in operation, a set of 11 critical modules are identified which have experienced failures and replacements with identical modules in three years history data. Using Poisson distribution for the failure forecasting, maintenance planner can make optimal ordering of the critical spare modules for a following period by which is possible to avoid any backordering, spare module shortage and the most important operational shutdowns. The results were the creation of the Poisson model in predicting the failure rate of radar vital modules for sizing the initial stock of spare modules to be ordered along with other electronic equipment.

optimization, spare parts, Poisson distribution, forecasting, maintenance, reliability, non-repairable parts



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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
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