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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2020 Linheng Li, Jing Gan, Xu Qu, Jian Zhang, Bin Ran

Stability and Environmental Analysis of Mixed Traffic Flow – Using the Markov Probabilistic Theory

Authors:Linheng Li, Jing Gan, Xu Qu, Jian Zhang, Bin Ran


The rapid growth of CAV (Connected and Automated Vehicle) market penetration highlights the need to gain insight into the overall stability of mixed traffic flows in order to better deploy CAVs. Several studies have examined the modelling process and stability analysis of traffic flow in a mixed traffic environment without considering its inner spatial distribution. In this paper, an innovative Markov chain-based model is established for integrating the spatial distribution of mixed traffic flow in the model process of car-following behaviour. Then the linear stability analysis of the mixed traffic flow is conducted for different CAV market penetration rates, different CAV platoon strength and different cooperation efficiency between two continuous vehicles. Moreover, several simulations under open boundary conditions in multiple scenarios are performed to explicate how CAV market penetration rate, platoon strength and cooperation efficiency jointly influence the stability performance of the mixed traffic flow. The results reveal that the performance of this mixed traffic flow stability could be strengthened in these three factors. In addition to stability, an investigation of the fuel consumption and emission reduction under different market penetration rates and the platoon strength of CAVs are explored, suggesting that substantial potential fuel consumption and emission could be reduced under certain scenarios.

Keywords:traffic flow modelling, linear stability, connected and automated vehicles, mixed traffic flow, Markov chain


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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
2024 © Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal