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Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Copyright (c) 2020 Štefica Mrvelj, Marko Matulin, Sergo Martirosov

Subjective Evaluation of User Quality of Experience for Omnidirectional Video Streaming

Authors:Štefica Mrvelj, Marko Matulin, Sergo Martirosov


This paper reports on the results of subjective testing of user Quality of Experience (QoE) for omnidirectional video (ODV) streaming quality. The test was conducted among 20 test subjects who watched three ODVs using a Head Mounted Display (HMD) system. The length of the videos was between two and three minutes. The first video was used for training purposes and contained no quality degradations. The quality of the other two ODVs was degraded by manipulating the resolution or by introducing different frame drop patterns. While watching the pre-prepared videos the subjects indicated if they noticed the changes in the quality and then rated it. After watching each video, the subjects completed a separate questionnaire, which evaluated their level of enjoyment and discomfort with the video. The results showed that the degradation of both objective parameters (video resolution and frame rate) impacted the subjects’ perception of quality; however, the impact was somewhat alleviated in ODV which contained dynamic scenes and fast camera movements.

Keywords:360-degree video, streaming, video resolution, frame drop, quality of experience


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