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Promet - Traffic&Transportation journal

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science


Vol. 31 No. 3 (2019)
Published on 14.06.2019

Haibo Wang, Haiqing Si, Xiaoyuan Wang
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Bicycle is one of the main factors that affects the traffic safety and capacity on pedestrian-bicycle mixed traffic sections. It is important for implementing the warning of bicycle safety and improving the active safety to identify the cyclists’ intention in the mixed traffic environments under the condition of the “Internet of Things”. The phase-field coupling theory has been developed in this paper to comprehensively analyse the generation, spring up, increase, transfer, regression and reduction method of the traffic phase. The adaptive genetic algorithm based on the information entropy has been used to extract feature vectors of different types of cyclists for intention identification from the reduced pedestrian-bicycle traffic phase, and the theory of evidence has been provided here to build the identification model. The experimental verification shows that the extraction method of cyclists’ intention feature vector and identification model are scientific and reasonable. The theoretical basis can be applied to establishing the pedestrian-bicycle interactive security system.

Slavica Boštjančič Rakas, Boštjančič Rakas, Slavica , , Mirjana Stojanović
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

This paper presents a centralized approach for establishing end-to-end communication services via management agents. The main proposal is the modular architecture of the third-party based Service Establishment Agent (SEA). The SEA manages inter-provider service negotiation process with per-domain management agents through an appropriate signaling agent. It also receives and interprets end-toend service requests, selects inter-domain paths, performs mapping of service classes among domains on the path, and evaluates conformance of the offered service level with the required one. It allows implementation of different algorithms for the aforementioned functions as well as their selection and combination according to the predefined management policies. Simulation results show that the proposed model significantly outperforms the distributed model in terms of service negotiation times. In the prototype development process, a policy-based solution for mapping of service classes was implemented. The performance evaluation shows that processing requirements for handling multiple service requests are modest, while benefit of the SEA approach is the lack of need to build long-term consensus among providers about technical choices for achieving network interconnection. The SEA architecture is completely independent of the quality of service mechanisms available in particular domains.

Aykut Erkal, Erkal, Aykut ,
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

This paper evaluates and quantifies the adverse impact of traffic-induced vibrations on the structural systems of residential buildings and their occupants. To do this, İstanbul, one of the world’s most populous and traffic-congested cities, was selected as a case study. Firstly, a survey was conducted on 100 occupants of six neighbourhoods to understand human perception of vibrations and the physical condition of typical buildings. Then, train-induced ground vibrations were measured near a busy railway. Using the survey data and the measured train vibrations, time-history analyses were applied to five typical residential buildings. The results showed that there is a considerable contribution of higher modes to overall building response. Peak particle velocities calculated on the buildings are predominantly intolerable. Critically, 95% of the occupants would like authorities to reorganize traffic regulations to reduce the effects of this global problem. Therefore, human response to traffic-induced vibrations should be consideration of serviceability limit state and site-specific analysis should be incorporated into the codes of practice.

Ali Akbar Safaei, Hassan Ghassemi, Mahmoud Ghiasi
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Fuel consumption of marine vessels plays an important role in both generating air pollution and ship operational expenses where the global environmental concerns toward air pollution and economics of shipping operation are being increased. In order to optimize ship fuel consumption, the fuel consumption prediction for her envisaged voyage is to be known. To predict fuel consumption of a ship, noon report (NR) data are available source to be analysed by different techniques. Because of the possible human error attributed to the method of NR data collection, it involves risk of possible inaccuracy. Therefore, in this study, to acquire pure valid data, the NR raw data of two very large crude carriers (VLCCs) composed with their respective Automatic Identification System (AIS) satellite data. Then, well-known models i.e. K-Mean, Self-Organizing Map (SOM), Outlier Score Base (OSB) and Histogram of Outlier Score Base (HSOB) methods are applied to the collected tankers NR during a year. The new enriched data derived are compared to the raw NR to distinguish the most fitted methodology of accruing pure valid data. Expected value and root mean square methods are applied to evaluate the accuracy of the methodologies. It is concluded that measured expected value and root mean square for HOSB are indicating high coherence with the harmony of the primary NR data.

Yajuan Deng, Ting Wang, Rui Ma
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Electric bicycles are one of the essential traffic modes in many cities in China. Due to the consideration on safety and efficiency of the urban transportation systems, it is recognized that the use of electric bicycles should be limited by shifting the demand towards public transit by imposing parking charges on electric bicycles. To plan for this, the travellers’ acceptance of parking charges must be taken into account. This paper proposes an acceptable threshold Logit model based on the non-compensation theory to calculate the threshold of the parking charge of electric bicycles. Electric bicycle trips are categorized into seven groups in terms of travel distances. The parking charges are of four discrete levels, from 0, 1, 2 to 3 yuan. Based on the survey data in the city of Handan, the traditional and acceptable threshold Nest-Logit models with the distance intervals and charges have been established and calibrated. Model calibration results show that the acceptable threshold Nest-Logit model is more accurate than the traditional Nest-Logit model, and the parking charge thresholds do exist. Specifically, within 3 km and outside 3 km the parking charge threshold is 1 yuan and 2 yuan, respectively. The parking charge thresholds can help in decision-making for parking pricing of electric bicycles.

Jan Černý, Štefan Peško, Anna Černá
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

In the paper, the public transportation line planning means planning of routes and frequencies of vehicles on them. In the world literature, different criteria are used in this context; mainly the variable costs of lines, the fixed costs of lines, the fixed plus variable costs of lines, the number of direct travellers, the total or average riding time and the total or average travelling time. The current paper adds two more: the total number of used vehicles (to be minimized when all passengers are transported) and relative excess of supply over demand (to be maximized without exceeding the number of available vehicles). Basic mathematical models for both cases are presented and the motivation of such approach is described including a brief excursion into the history of the Czech and Slovak research of line planning where the use of these objectives has arisen. Further, the basic models were modified for the cases of fourteen special practical requirements, e.g. heterogeneous vehicle fleet (= rolling stock), limitation of transfers, elastic demand, limited total number of lines, etc. The brief outline of the experience with practical use is added as well.

Carolina del-Valle-Soto, del-Valle-Soto, Carolina , , Leonardo Jesus Valdivia, Ramiro Velázquez
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Railway is a critical application; hence, all systems that compose the railway infrastructure must meet two conditions: availability and safety. The availability ensures continuous operation of the system; on the other hand, safety is achieved when the device works properly regardless of the environmental or operating conditions. In addition, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used to perform tasks previously performed manually. However, it is necessary to analyse what protocol is appropriate for the railway industry, since availability and safety are the required attributes. In this work, a recently proposed routing protocol, the Multi-Parent Hierarchical (MPH), has been compared with a well-known protocol, the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), in order to find the most suitable one for the railway applications. For this purpose, a simulator has been developed, which faithfully reifies the workings of a given protocol, considering a fixed, reconfigurable ad-hoc network given by the number and location of participants, and general network conditions.

Mario Ćosić, Ljupko Šimunović, Marijan Jakovljević
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Prometne su nesreće socijalni, javnozdravstveni i politički izazov svake države. U urbanim je sredinama karakteristično intenzivno prometno opterećenje cestovne mreže na kojoj se stalno izmjenjuju različiti prometni uvjeti koji dovode do međusobnih interakcija motoriziranoga i nemotoriziranoga prometa, što predstavlja potencijalnu opasnost za nastanak prometnih nesreća. Iako su prometne nesreće s aspekta prostora i vremena slučajni događaji, detaljnom se analizom može uspostaviti korelacija između prometnih nesreća i vanjskih čimbenika (cestovna infrastruktura, prometni, vremenski uvjeti, namjena zemljišta). U radu je istražen utjecaj vanjskih čimbenika na nastanak žarišta prometnih nesreća pješaka u gradu Zagrebu. Kako bi utvrdili vanjske čimbenike koji dovode do stvaranja žarišta prometnih nesreća prvo su identificirana sama žarišta odnosno opasna mjesta, a potom se pristupilo analizi uzroka događanja prometnih nesreća. rovedenim istraživanjem su utvrđeni različiti stupnjevi utjecaja vanjskih čimbenika na nastanak opasnih mjesta.

Johnnie Ebioye Ben Edigbe, Stephen Ibijola
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

The paper investigated the extent to which rainfall influences the quality of service delivery at multilane roundabouts using a novel quality of service approach. Quality of service is defined as how well roundabouts operate based on road users and road providers’ perception of service quality. Delay and reserve capacity were used respectively as proxies for road users and road providers’ perception of service quality. The entry and circulating traffic data were recorded continuously for eight weeks under dry, light, moderate, and heavy rainfall weather conditions at each surveyed roundabout, then collated, analysed and compared. Linear regression with dummy variable was used to model the roundabout entry capacity and a corrector factor was added to modify the regression function. The corrector factor considered different entry radii and entry angles of surveyed roundabouts. Multi-criteria quality of service table with travel time as proxy for road users and speed as proxy for road providers’ perception of service delivery was developed from peak traffic data and used to determine the extent of deterioration. The multi-criteria table introduced in the paper is a clear departure from the speed-based criteria used in many studies. The results show a significant increase in time delay and a decrease in reserve capacity relative to rainfall. The paper has concluded that rainfall has an anomalous negative effect on the quality of service at multilane roundabouts. The findings could be used in a variety of ways in traffic management to predict the travel time at roundabouts under rainy conditions and to prescribe speed limits accordingly.

Radoslav Radonja, Dragan Bebić, Darko Glujić
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

Over the past decade regulatory emission control has been adopted and even stricter emission reductions are being considered. In order to comply with the present and future regulations the ship owners and engine manufacturers are facing a difficult task. The shipping industry is presently offering multiple choices such as scrubbers and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), dual fuel engines, Liquefied Natural Gas / Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LNG/LPG) powered engines, and lately the introduction of methanol and ethanol as alternative fuels. This work presents a short overview of the possible use of methanol and ethanol as lternative fuels in shipping. The first part of this work deals with physical properties of methanol and ethanol, production and availability, as well as advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other fuels. In the second part the cost perspective is presented together with the cost-benefit analysis, which is the most important aspect in the ship owner’s decision whether to invest into the new alternative. Methanol and ethanol are not magical solutions, but rather another alternative which, from the cost perspective, offers a potential under certain circumstances. These circumstances are competitive prices in comparison to Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and time spent in Emission Control Area (ECA) which should be a large portion of the total sailing time. In this paper the scientific methodology was followed by using the method of compilation, the descriptive and the comparative methods.

Damir Budimir, Marko Šoštarić, Krešimir Vidović
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

There is a small number of empirical modelling study cases available that are related to the calculation of variant solutions efficiency from the aspect of sustainable mobility in the urban areas. In practice, it is often necessary - especially when it comes to the urban transport network - to evaluate the solutions for traffic flow organisation and routing, in order to implement the one(s) with the maximum potential to reduce the possibility of congestion during peak travelling periods i.e. during transport network peak load. The paper presents an approach to the aforementioned problem by the application of the transport system efficiency analysis. The aspect of traffic flow organisation and routing efficiency in variant solutions is clarified through the analysis model development, built on the premises of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method and the principles of unnecessary traffic flow intersections (TFI) theory. The proposed model defines the efficiency limit for data attributed to variant solutions, based on the calculation of the optimal TFI model and the possibilities of DEA method that include comparison and definition of relative routing efficiency for every optional traffic flow against the efficiency limit (optimal model) in order to calculate relative efficiency in relation to other solutions.

Zoran Injac, Milan Vujanić, Dalibor Pešić, Boris Antić
2019 (Vol 31), Issue 3

The use of seat belts, for drivers and car occupants, results in reducing the rate of fatalities and severe road injuries. In this research, the methodology of the survey was applied through the self-reporting behaviour of the respondents who determined the subjective risk based on the attitudes of the traffic participants. To evaluate the statistical significance of the categorical variables, Pearson's chi-square test was used. For certain groups of examinees, the results of the relationship (association) between socio demographic characteristics were analysed as predictors of behaviour with the degree of seat belt use. Some other predictors of behaviour, such as the road and mood predictors were analysed as well. Interest was also focused on finding out what motivated certain groups of examinees to use the seat belt. Based on the results of this research, it is possible to classify the drivers and car occupants into certain groups with respect to the seat belt use while driving. This can help in determining the ways of eliminating problems related to the low degree of seat belt use.

Accelerating Discoveries in Traffic Science |
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