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Igor Vujović, Ivica Kuzmanić, Zlatan Kulenović
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
Strain gauges are used in different areas, especially in thedesign and development of new technical constructions andmode/testing. Also, strain gauges are inc01porated in the functionalpart of many instruments and devices. They are mostlyused as sensors in transducers designed to measure such mechanicalquantities as forces, moments, pressures, accelerations,etc. They have an important role in shipbuilding and marinetransport in general. In this paper we have suggested andshown an approach to the identification of strain gauge thermaloutput curve on the example of a product available at themarket. Neural network simulated in MatLab has been applied.The neural network has been adapted to simulate a realsystem with 1 o-9 order of magnitude error_ As it is well known,strain gauges measure deformations of 1 o-o order of magnitude.It is obvious that the network eJTOr cannot influence the measurementresults because of its being smaller by three orders ofmagnitude.

Slavko Šarić, Matej Derstvenšek, Tihomir Jakopović
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
The paper deals with the ADSL (Asymmetric Digital SubscriberLine) technology- the asymmetric digital telecommunicationtechnology. It is characterised by high-speed transmissionof data and simultaneous transmission of information regardingthe throughput capacity of the telephone network. Thisresults in better efficiency of transmission, and higher utilisationof the bandwidth. Due to its advantages, the use of ADSLtechnology is increasing daily, especially by ente1prises in Europeand worldwide.

Velimir Kolar, Pave Marinović, Grgo Luburić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
By analysing the cwTen.t situation on the Croatian transportationmarket, and considering all parameters needed forthe development of combined transport, measures are suggestedin order to improve and stimulate its development. Oneof the first measures is the standardisation and introduction ofunique tariffs for combined transport, and then government incentivefor the organisation and development of combinedtransport means and equipment. A significant role in thisshould be set on adequately defined transport policy.

Teodor Perić, Marinko Jurčević, Žarko Šantić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
If we acknowledge the role of traffic as active leaderof the sustainable economy development, then we certainlyhave to analyse the environment in which the traffic exists asa system, and therefore we have to foresee its limits which aredetermined by the specifics of the traffic system. Representingthe circulation system of economy, traffic has to eavesdrop onthe demands of the market, and has to be transformed andmodernised. The experience gained by working on the projectsand the studies related to business organisation resulted inthe conclusion that the requirements related to logistics inthe nineties were significantly greater than had been thecommon target until then -reduction of costs. In order to adjustcompletely to the market demands, with the help of advancedinformation technology, the companies apply logisticsas tools of competitiveness on the market. Extraordinmyachievements of IT, using of virtual reality enable businesspeople to communicate and contract businesses without beingphysically present. What is it that makes some companies moresuccessful than others? It is obviously a question of the advantagesof distribution realisation due to the fact that nowadayspurchase and selling are run globally in the world. The distributionof products at the right time, to the right place, at a pricewhich is favourable both to the seller and the buyer, in the rightmanner and in the appropriate quantity in the marketing senseis the prerequisite for the business success as element of businesslogistics. The development of this tool must be basedon the monitoring of the needs for the logistics managementand the tactical adaptability of the company. The solution oflogistics management of business processes must satisfy thecurrent and future customers' requirements in order to be competitive.

Livij Jakomin, Matej David
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
The article calls our attention to the existing dangers of potentiallyharmful 01ganisms being introduced in our sea withships ballast water and to the need of having this maller undercontrol. To this end the article presents the importance of ballastwater for a ship, organisms in ballast water, some cases ofharmful introductions and the case of Slovenia. Furthermore,legal aspects, ballast water management methods/techniquesand monitoring aspects are presented. Finally, the article dealswith perspectives for the regulation of the ballast water issue.

Mladen Kalajžić, Katica Miloš, Mirela Muić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 6
Traffic congestion is one of the major problems in most cities.It is the consequence of unavoidable motorization, butalso, in many cases, of improper solutions considering constructionof roads or organisation of traffic.This paper deals with one problematic crossroad in thetown of Zadar in which traffic jams occur due to poor organisationof traffic. Using mathematical simulation, the first partproves that traffic jams will certainly occur, and in the secondpart, crossroads signalling is considered as a possible solutionwhich, if combined with intelligent control could significantlyimprove the organisation of traffic at this crossroads.

Teodor Perić, Nada Štrumberger
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
The elasticity of demand for traffic se1vices is the adaptationof traffic supply to traffic demand. The elasticity of suchdemand is low which is specific of the transport market, especiallyfrom the aspect of designing traffic demand.The essence of the problem of low elasticity can be noticedin three basic properties:First, in the change of place which determines the traffic demandor traffic relation.Second is the continuity of the need to transport goods andpassengers.Third, the needs for transport may vmy according to thechanges in society and economy, and they also change thesources of traffic demand. Therefore, the elasticity of demandfor traffic se1vices is relatively low.

Rudi Čop
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
For the first time in history, remole moniloring and safekeepingof the assels is now possible also during road lransporl.These possibililies were enabled by developmelll of !he informaliontechnology during the last decade. Whereas such developmenlcontinues in a planned direction, !he influence of !heimproved and cheaper means of informal ion upon !he transporicompanies could be foreseen.This arlicle includes !he !ales/ guidelines for !ruck and loadmoniloring syslems develop men!. On the basis of lhese guidelines,!he role of users in !he rem ole monitoring syslems developmentis also presenled. In order lo express !heir problemsmore quickly and lo respond wilh grea/er efficiency, if may benecessmy for !hem lo gel basic knowledge aboul lelecommunicalionand informalics.

Boris Visočnik, Stojan Kravanja
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 5
The paper presents slewing port cra11es with a luffing jib.The advantages of slewing port jib cranes are high lifting capacities,high speeds of re-loading and excellent mobility since theyare capable of load lifting, travelling, luffing and slewing. Thepaper gives a detailed description of their characteristics suchas the highest reached load-canying capacities, speeds of motionand accelerations. It also presents the crane assembly,driving mechanisms, loads and load cases, transport by shipsand testing of lifting capacity. As a practical example the paperpresents the slewing port jib crane with the capacity of25!15!5 tat a 27/37/40 m radius made by the Slovenian companyMetalna Maribor for the shipyard 3. Maj, Rijeka, Croatia.

Jasna Blašković Zavada, Mladen Nikšić, Dražen Kovačević
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
General development of civilisation and constant growth ofpopulation have inevitably resulted in an increased volume oftraffic and energy consumption. One of the consequences isalso the adverse effect on the environment, i.e. people, climateand nature. Compming individual forms of transport, it may benoted that railway, as mass carrier in passenger and freight trafficplays a significant role and has great responsibility. Sincerailway represents a very convenient form of transport regardingboth power and ecology, it has to provide significant contributionto the passenger and freight transport in the future, in a waywhich is friendlier to the environment than most other forms oftransport.This work analyses the cun-ent and future role of railway inthe transportation of people and goods. It mentions the mostimportant strategic orientations in the railway development,that would render it competitive and attractive compared toroad and air traffic. Special emphasis is put on economic efficiency,ecological sustainability and social justice. The possibilitiesof reducing energy consumption, i.e. C02 emissions, aswell as reducing hannful exhaust gases of Diesel railway tractionvehicles are given special consideration.

Vinko Jenić, Damir Vukić, Draženko Fabijanić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
Tariffs are considered the basic instrument of selling servicesin railway cargo transport.The work identifies prices of transport services from the aspectof interactive elements by redesigning the tariff system or byintervention into the tariff system through certain conditions fortariff implementation in the cargo transport in local and internationaltransport through various existing models by: determiningthe starting (tariff) price, determining the expenses anddetermining the selling price.Then the tariff system is modified according to the conditionswhich are present in the environment and accordingly regardingstimulation of rational usage of the capacities and correctionof the horizontal and vertical digression in tariff tables.Since international federal tariffs feature no adequate functionality,their phaseout would eliminate substantial expenses,and the orientation is turning increasingly towards instrumentsof selling transport services in international transport.

Jasna Blašković Zavada, Dragan Badanjak, Dalibor Vučić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
Future development of traffic assumes its growth with increasedenergy consumption, greater environmental pollutionthrough hannful components, and noise, as well as overload oftraffic routes. The same development has been burdened by twoopposing tendencies. One is subjected to short-tenn interestsand oriented exclusively to profit, the other is a long-term careof environmental protection and energy savings which often excludesimmediate profit. Giving priority to this second tendencyis a must, and it requires joint efforts invested by scientists, trafficentrepreneurs and government institutions within legal regulations.This paper analyses the advantages of railway traffic comparedto other modes of traffic and indicates its potentials in thefuture development of traffic primarily from the aspect of environmentalprotection. The emphasis lies on the comparison ofharmful emissions and consumption of specific energy in cargotransport by railways and other traffic modes. The directives arealso given of the desirable future development of railways in orderto optimally use all its potentials.

Antun Stipetić, Zdravko Toš, Davor Janjić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 4
The work analyses the conflict points between road andrailway traffic as points of collision. The growing frequency ofboth transport modes meeting at the same level results in thegrowing danger at these points resulting in turn in traffic accidentsat collision points requiring therefore implementation ofprotection measures.Since misreading of traffic signs, unadjusted driving of roadvehicles, passage of road vehicles when the barrier is lowered,and inattention of motorists and pedestrians are the most frequentcauses of traffic accidents at railroad crossings, adequateand economically optimal solutions need to be found.By solving the above-mentioned problems, using the signaland safety as well as construction measures, the authors suggestsolutions which would increase traffic safety at railroad crossings.

Jelenko Švetak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Human factors play an important role in the origin of accidents,and it is commonly claimed that between seventy andninety-five percent of industrial and transport accidents involvehuman factors, see Figure 1.Some authorities, however, claim that ultimately, all accidentsinvolve human factors.

Biljana Juričić, Tino Bucak, Ivana Francetić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
The function, working principle, the principles of usage andthe advantages of modern Automatic Dependent Surveillancesystem (ADS). The functions of the mentioned system aremanifold and its primary function is to enable the automaticexchange of various data between air traffic control units withthe aim of maintaining the safe separation of aircraft. Datasuch as call sign, aircraft position, time, altitude, vector information,speed, meteo information etc. can be fonvarded periodicallyor on request, and are received automatically in theaircraft via flight management computer (FMC). Also, theoverview of the possible communication systems which enablethe usage of ADS is given, with special emphasis on ADS aspart of further global development of navigation and air trafficsafety system, which was approved by the International CivilAviation Organisation (JCAO). Finally, a new, improved versionof Automatic Dependent Swveillance, ADS- B (Broadcast)is briefly outlined, a version which enables omni-directionalemission of addressed infonnation.

Polona Tominc
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
This paper studies the number of traffic accidents (TAs) inwhich people were killed or/and seriously injured over the peliodfrom January 1996 to October 2000 in Slovenia. The aimof this work is to ascertain if the reduction in the increase of thenumber of TAs after I May 1998, when the new road trafficsafety law (RTSL) was adopted, is statistically significant.Assuming that the time series analysed contains also a seasonalcomponent, we found out that the new RTSL had a ve1ypositive impact on the number ofT As, especially in the first year(approximately) after adoption. After this period the averageincrease of the number ofT As rose again, but not as high as beforethe adopti01~ of the RTSL.

Teodor Perić, Andreja Lorković
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Market is the integrity of relations between supply and demandof traffic or some other service (goods) which at a ce11ainplace and location, at a certain time affect the supply and purchaseof certain products, including services, stocks, money,and the set of all institutions, areas, devices and instrumentsthat act on the sale and other transactions realised at that point.It is the main resource allocator (~resource allocation) in thesystems of free private ownership economic and transport systems.

Eduard Missoni, Ivo Suić, Damir Egulja
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Incidence of cancer disease in Croatia is about 20,000 everyyear. In the same time, about 11,000 cancer patients die. Ifthe average survival of cancer patients is five years, it is obviousthat an enormous number of patients need rehabilitation andresocialisation, according to the stage of their disease. One ofthe best ways to achieve this goal is work rehabilitation, whichcontributes to the quality of livi11g and to the desire of the patientsthemselves to participate in the treatment and curing process,especially in the second phase which often includes reconstructivesurgery or use of rehabilitation devices. Work rehabilitationand resocialisation should be peifonned in assistance bythe family doctor and the patients organised in the Club ofCancer Treated Persons which has already gained high recognitionin the Croatian Cancer League.

Zdravko Bukljaš, Ivana Čuljak, Goran Zovak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
As part of organised social system, traffic is subjected togeneral social tendency towards adequate safety and sustainabilityof relations in such a system, probabilistically marked bythe risk of danger. Inte1polation of subjective factor facilitatesthe occwTence of negative phenomena. Road traffic system ischaracterised by extremely massive participation in traffic, contributingthus to a greater possibility of negative features characteristicfor imperfect human mechanism. This is precisely thereason why this paper deals with the problem of traffic safety onthe concrete example of the intersection between the SavskaStreet and the Slavonska and LjubljanskaAvenues over the periodof time prior to constmcting the new unde1pass solution,and the period of time immediately after the construction workswere completed. The used data have been provided by the TrafficPolice Department - Lucko.

Dražen Kovačević, Slobodan Kaštela, Alojz Brkić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
The work deals with the third generation of image processingse1vices including multimedia service of messaging. Adaptationof digital images on the Internet depends on factors suchas the number of Internet users, processing capacities and thebandwidth. In the context of mobile Internet, sending of imagesis still being developed. As the number of se1vices and users isgrowing, as well as the demands for image applications, this iscompared to the development of image applications in ftxedInternet.

Jasna Golubić, Ljupko Šimunović, Hrvoje Ivanković
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 3
Apart from undoubtedly positive effects, the construction ofmot01ways unfortunately brings along negative impacts as well,including the major one influencing the natural system of theregion through which it passes. As such, a motorway representsa source of continuous emissions of various pollutants, causespennanent physical changes to the landscape and disturbs thenatural conditions of the plant and animal communities.Therefore, in order to understand properly and integrally all theprocesses in the natural system, it is necessmy, among otherthings, to analyse the impact of mot01way construction on thelandscape and biological diversity. The threat to the plant andanimal natural habitats is expressed through four basic types ofimpact whose analysis results in a bio-ecological and landscapeevaluation of a certain route with the aim of selecting themost acceptable one out of a set of variant solutions.

Ivan Dadić, Goran Kos, Emil Gašparić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
Every traffic network can be reorganised, i.e. the trafficflows may be redirected and guided along other routes. Mathematicalcalculation of the number of intersecting points, mergingand diverging of traffic can determine the cu'ent volume ofconflicting traffic flows in the network. The aim of redirectingtraffic flows is to obtain lower intensity of intersecting flows, indicatingat the same time bel/er organisation of traffic flows.The work presents a model of traffic flow intersections on anisolated road section. It also provides mathematical formulasfor calculating the number of collision points for the same anda different number of entrances and exits (nodes). The problemis further developed for the case which searches for the numberof conflicting points of traffic flows with two-way traffic. Amathematical formula has been found for the same number ofentries and exits (nodes, or sources and sinks) of traffic flows.

Igor Trupac, Livij Jakomin, Ratimir Dovečar
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
The extent to which Slovenia will exploit its good geographictransport position, whether it will be merely a transportcorridor or assume an additional quality (e.g. a distributioncentre or a logistic centre) will depend on a cluster of circumstances.The importance will also be laid on how Slovenia willpresent itself and what it will offer to Europe and the rest of theworld. One of its best assets is the Port of Koper (favourable position,good condition, capacities) in the frame of the whole logisticsystem.A larger volume of transport and consequently be/fer exploitationof the Port of Koper will in the future depend on increasedtransit. However, to acquire new cargo, the mere installationand modernisation of port infrastructure and rise in thequality of services may not be sufficient: it will also require goodconnections to the hinterland.

Gordana Štefančić, Antun Presečki, Suzana Andrić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
The paper considers different systems, including thesystems with autonomous units, which cany all their knowledgewith them, and those with communication units, which informthe driver about the current situation of the road system byradio or other means. The symbols of various messageshave three main goals: to provide instruction, to warn ofoncoming danger, or to give advice regarding parking or lookingfor alternative routes. When not used for these purposes,they are used to provide general information about/he weathe1;temperature or possible attractions. The in-vehicle informationsystems try to assist the motorist in driving, and they arepromoted as part of the comprehensive intelligent transport system.

Brane Lučovnik, Martin Lipičnik, Domenik Lebar, Janko Blatnik
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
In the last decade, the constant air traffic growth hasbrought certain problems as well. While aircraft productionand airline functioning are being stimulated by the competition,the situation in air traffic control and in infrastructurecomponent is completely different. Air traffic management(ATM) is still owned by the state. The state, however, is knownfor the fact of not being a good manager and is solving problemsslowly and not efficiently because of its large administration.There is a very strong trade union movement functioningin ATM, which makes several rational decisions impossible.Critics of the current ATM system in Europe warn of increasingproblems -delays and operational expenses. The control componentis the only one among the four components of air traffic,which has not been liberalised and harmonised yet. There is nocompetition in the fields of air traffic. All matters are taken careof by CAA or by semi-private companies, owned by the state.According to air carriers which have to put in 4-9% of businessexpenses into terminal- and over-flight charges, these expensesare far too heavy a burden.

Ivan Bošnjak, Tomislav Kljak, Štefica Mrvelj
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
Traffic models for multiservice broadband networks differsignificantly regarding simple analytic models applicable intelephone traffic and circuit-switch network. The paper presentsa clear analysis of standardised traffic descriptors andquality parameters of the main services in BISDNIATM. Trafficdescriptors have been associated with the basic values andconcepts developed within generic traffic theory. Part systematisationof traffic parameters has been performed as basis for formalisedgeneralised description of parameters and effectivequality management of A TM services.

Anđelko Vojvoda, Hrvoje Gold
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
This paper deals with a way of applying a neural networkfor describing se1vice station load in a maintenance unit. Dataacquired by measuring the workload of single stations in amaintenance unit were used in the process of training the neuralnetwork in order to create a model of the obse1ved system.The model developed in this way enables us to make more accuratepredictions over critical overload. Modelling was realisedby developing and using m-functions of the Matlab software.

Čedomir Dundović, Neven Grubišić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
It is important to consider the port development throughoutthe world from the aspect of economical, transport and portpolicy and their mutual impact on commerce and efficiency ofports. By examining such relations in the context of developmentof the Croatian container ports, it is possible to define reasonsfor lagging behind of Croatian ports compared to theworld movements.The main reason for the negative trend of development ofCroatian container ports lies in the non-existence of adequatemeasures of transport, maritime and port policy. Analysis ofstatistics over the past decade and comparison of structure andvolume of the general cargo traffic in the Rijeka port and theneighbouring ports in the area of North Adriatic are both showingsignificant size discrepancy and uncompetitiveness of theCroatian port. Disturbances that have brought to such a situationresult from inadequate port policy and non-harmonisedactivities between various modes of transport.In order to overcome such situation, the authors suggest determiningof clear tasks, goals and measures of the port policythat have to be undertaken so that the Croatian policy could becompatible with the main aspects, development tendencies andmeasures of theE U port policy.

Edna Mrnjavac
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 2
In tourist destinations, during tourist season, the numberof inhabitants multiplies by several times causing qualitativeand quantitative changes in products and se1vices demand.Transport requirements for greater quantities of goods, whosestructure has been modified, affect the organisation and commercialbusiness of transport enterprises. They have to providefor enlarged transport capacities of suitable structure.The consequence of higher transport demand, derived fromtourist demand consists in better using of transport infrastructuretraffic capacity towards tourist destinations and within itselfIn order to enable visitors to enjoy all the elements of touristoffer, the optimisation of goods, people, information and energyflows within tourist destination and towards it, is indispensable.An optimal tourist offer in a tourist destination is possibleonly if logistics approach is implemented that will lead to awell-organised and functioning system of goods, people, informationand energy flows.

Hrvoje Gold, Mario Samodol
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The work represents an artificial neural networkf01· recognitionof county centre post codes. The neural networkPOSTKLAS se1ves as the classification system for the sorting oftwo-digit address data. The de1·eloped model represents atwo-layer network which learns by using backpropagation algorithm.The method of address data recording in the model hasbeen presented. By analysing the sorting results the possibilitywas determined of applying the developed neural network forrecognition even in cases of distorted input pal/erns. The modellingwas done by means of Mat/ab programming ~ystem.

Mirko Čičak, Dragan Badanjak, Josip Kukec
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The objective of the railway is to offer high level of transportservices, i.e. the quality which is competitive to other transportmodes, but which minimises its internal costs at the same time.In order to increase the capacity of transport services andreduce the costs, splitting of trains between different categoriesof transport on separate railway lines will be more and more appliedin the 21' centtuy. Unfortunately, even in the developedcountries there will be lines or line sections where mixed trafficwill be cmTied, and in developing countries this will often be thecase even on the main trunk lines.Therefore, a topical issue is to establish the capacity andchoose the right solution. The problem becomes more complexin cases when two double-track lines with mixed traffic need tobe connected and the restructuring of traffic implemented. Atthe same time the exits to two new double-track lines with thespecific train categories have to be ensured and the requiredquality of transport services maintained.In this paper, the impact the capacity has on quality is discussedand some basic characteristics of a model, which enablesthe research of the conflict points capacity, i.e. of convergingand diverging points of two double-track lines is given. Although,there are some analytical elements in this model, it isessentially simulation which enables us to carry out tests underdifferent conditions, to study different variants and to systematisedifferent indicators and make conclusions.

Vedran Batoš, Vlatko Lipovac, Antun Sertić
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
This paper presents the traffic rules in the EFT (ElectronicFinancial Transactions) networks, based on the implementationof the solution called Gold-Net developed and implementedby Euronet Worldwide Inc. Following the traffic rulesin EFT networks, out of its worldwide experience, Gold-Netevolved a comprehensive and expandable EFT network solutiondesigned to meet an institution's needs today and in the future.It is an ITM (Integrated Transaction Management) solution,modular and expandable, and consists of a comprehensiveEFT software modules with ATM and POS driving capabilities.The combination of ATM management and the onlineconnection form the intercept processing control module. Asthe marketplace grows, this solution ensures that an ente1prisemay position itself for future growth and expanded service offerings.

Davor Mistrić, Leonard Eleršek, Ernest Bazijanac
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
Because of the advantages of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring, it is in the interest of the Croatian Air Forceto examine its applicability in Bell 206B Ill helicopter maintenancesystem.The paper deals with the basic of turboshaft engine conditiontrend monitoring procedure; and describes also the procedurefor Allison 250 C20J engine, which is installed in Bell206B Ill. Results of parameter readings are presented and reasonsof inapplicability of condition trend monitoring within pilottraining process are explained. Alternative procedure is recommended.

Tomaž Tolazzi
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
On the market today, there are various computer programsfor simulating traffic flows at level intersection, which are allbased on mathematics not seen by the end user. In this way theuser only supplies data without being aware of how the programworks and neither of the mathematical background. The resultsobtained are critically judged under this influence, resultingthus in subjective decisions.Therefore, the article presents simple alternative mathematicalpossibilities for the requirements and the length of aseparate left-turn lane at intersection.

Elen Twrdy, Evelin Vatovec Krmac
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and electronic businessshould be looked upon as a natural evolution in the internationaltrade and transport cycle. One of the principal reasonsfor starting to use EDI are the heaps of documents written,shifted, handled, conected, transcribed and copied for normalbusiness and administrative transactions. EDJ and in generalelectronic business would have none of the disadvantages ofpaper documents and have already brought substantial benefitsand savings to companies that implement it.Most port community systems today still do not provide forelectronic transfer of funds or for electronic interchange of invoicesand other trade documents, for instance bills of lading.Such services are specific toe-business and they are the necessarytransport-related documents.

Borivoj Galović, Miljenko Čop, Doris Novak
2002 (Vol 14), Issue 1
The CU/Tent system of air traffic is facing many drawbacksand problems that restrict its further development and makes itdifficult to follow the trends of increase in the traffic volume.By means of their technology, the systems such as ADS-8create rhe basis for further building, upgrading, improving anddeveloping of a completely new concept of the air traffic system.Through their functions they fully fit into and support the basicfunctions of communication, navigation and swveillancewhich form the basis of the new concept that needs to be implementedas soon as possible.

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