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Extensive Biomechanical Analysis of Passenger Locomotion in Airbus A320
Jasna Jurum-Kipke, Sarajko Baksa, Zvonko Kavran
Keywords:computer anthropometry, biomechanics, ergonomics, scientific visualisation of humanoid models


Every human working activity is related to adequate workloadand therefore also stress. The workloads of people workingin different working postures form a wide but still insufficientlystudied biomechanical and ergonomic field. Carrying, liftingand manipulating freight often results in relatively high loads,and in case of the need for increased frequency of such procedures,the result is an exhausting dynamic strain of the humanbody. The loads that can occur during human activities are inthe majority of cases related to their extremely non-ergonomicworking position. It has been determined that the working posturesof the human body are supported by the action of the musclesystem on the human locomotoric chain. Non-ergonomicposture of human body is harmful, especially in case when it isforced or when it is in the field of suboptimal condition. Highloads affect directly the human safety, and in case of longer exposureof the body to the action of such loads, the possibility formore permanent organism damages of organism may occur.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Jasna Jurum-Kipke, Sarajko Baksa, Zvonko Kavran

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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