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An Optimal Capacity Planning Model for General Cargo Seaport
Čedomir Dundović, Zdenka Zenzerović
Keywords:queuing theory, port system, port capacity


In this paper the application of the queuing the01y in optimalcapacity planning for general cargo seaport is presented.The seaport as a queuing syslem is defined and tlws, on the basisof the arrival and serviced number of ships in an obsen•edtime unit, the appropriate operating indicators of a port systemare calculated. Using the model of total port costs, the munberof berths and cranes on the berth can be determined wherebythe optimal port system functioning is achieved.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Čedomir Dundović, Zdenka Zenzerović

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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