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Kinematic Changes and their Influence on the Durability of Universal Joints
Slavko Šušmak, Jerko Radoš, Kristijan Rogić
Keywords:universal joinls, kinemalic changes, bearings, durability, safety, monitoring, analysis


Various rheoretical models for determining !he durability ofuniversal join Is are proposed in literature, so !hal their evalualionand comparison with test resul/s helps to acquire knowledgeof !he universal joint opera/ion principles.The paper considers, !here fore, the connection between thedynamic behaviour of universal joint and the damage that occurs.Since the proper performance of universal joinls is directlyrelated to the pelformance of universal joint journal bearings,monitoring and analysing the damage initiation and developmentare necessary for !he evalua/ion of safety and durability.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Slavko Šušmak, Jerko Radoš, Kristijan Rogić

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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