The introduction of information technology into the Croatianair traffic control system at the TMA Split and the applicationof computer programs have significantly improved airtraffic safety. In other words, a reliable and fast analysis is providedas well as remote control of technical systems, reductionof possible human errors in pre-flight and in-flight activities.Also the preconditions are created for its integration into thecomputer sysrems of other air traffic participants.References
(1] R.Horonjeff, F.X.McKelvey, Planning and Design of
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(2] C.D.Wickens, Human Factors in Air Traffic Control,
National Research Co. 1997.
(3] W.A.Shay, Understanding Data Communications and
Networks, PWS Publishing, Boston, 1995.
(4] AIDE Functional Software, Syseca, Paris, 1996.
(5] Air Traffic Technology, UK & International Press, London,
(6] Air Traffic Solutions, Sterling Publications Ltd., 1998.