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Analysis of Mobile Telephony Development in Croatia
Slavko Šarić, Dragan Peraković, Zvonko Kavran
Keywords:GSM, NMT, telephony, mobility, prospects


Mobile telephony appeared in 1955 and its development inthe world and in Croatia can be divided into two generations:analogue mobile system and digital mobile systems. Mobile te/eplzony is a part of the telecommunication market experiencingthe fastest growth. Already in 1990, the mobile telephonesaccounted for 4% of the world market in telecommunicationservices, and their share is increasing daily. Liberalisation ofthe Croatian market of mobile telephony was a necessity for establishingcompetition as a necessG/y prerequisite for providinghigh-quality se1vices and reducing their prices, and it COJTespondsto the mobile telephony system development worldwide.At the beginning of the 90s, the Republic of Croatia was laggingbehind the telecommunication-developed world, and today shehas a modem infrastructure that supports highly sophisticatedse1vices by two digital and one analogue mobile telephone network.


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Mobile Communications lnternacionale, Issue No. 66,

November 1999.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Slavko Šarić, Dragan Peraković, Zvonko Kavran

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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