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Influence of Track Stiffness on Track Behaviour under Vertical Load
Leposava Puzavac, Zdenka Popović, Luka Lazarević
Keywords:railways, track, track stiffness, track geometry deterioration, maintenance


The analysis of track behaviour under vertical load is traditionally based on the presumption that the stresses and deformations in track elements can be determined by the application of the Winkler’s Hypothesis. The rail is considered a beam on a continuous elastic foundation. The basis of the hypothesis is a presumption about the proportionality between the load and deflection. However, it is empirically known that the track and track foundation elements in a real environment during the railway exploitation behave neither linearly, nor completely elastically. Moreover, there is a problem with unevenness of the track stiffness along the track. This paper analyses the track stiffness from the aspect of its influence on the quality of the vertical track geometry. The paper analyses optimum stiffness. Optimum stiffness is conditioned by the single stiffness of all the elements of the superstructure and substructure as well as by their mutual compatibility.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Leposava Puzavac, Zdenka Popović, Luka Lazarević

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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