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Prediction of Commuter’s Daily Time Allocation
Fang Zong, Jia Hongfei, Pan Xiang, Wu Yang
Keywords:time allocation, commuting, activity, travel, Support Vector Regression,


This paper presents a model system to predict the time allocation in commuters’ daily activity-travel pattern. The departure time and the arrival time are estimated with Ordered Probit model and Support Vector Regression is introduced for travel time and activity duration prediction. Applied in a real-world time allocation prediction experiment, the model system shows a satisfactory level of prediction accuracy. This study provides useful insights into commuters’ activity-travel time allocation decision by identifying the important influences, and the results are readily applied to a wide range of transportation practice, such as travel information system, by providing reliable forecast for variations in travel demand over time. By introducing the Support Vector Regression, it also makes a methodological contribution in enhancing prediction accuracy of travel time and activity duration prediction.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Fang Zong, Jia Hongfei, Pan Xiang, Wu Yang

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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