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The Effects of the Daily Driven Distance and Age Factor on the Traffic Accidents
Keywords:traffic accidents, age factor, daily driven distance, involving in accidents,


Based on Turkish traffic survey data (n=5,520), driver accident rates per million kilometre-driver were compared according to the daily driven distances (DDD) for each age group as very old (65+, n=39), old (56-65, n=183), above middle-aged (36-55, n=1,875), middle-aged (26-35, n=2,204), and young (25-, n=1,219). When the accidents-per-km comparison was made in groups matched for daily exposure, there was no evidence of higher risk with increasing age. In all age groups, risk per km decreased with increasing daily driving distance. With this study the accident involvement prediction models have been obtained related to the daily driven distance with and without considering age. These models have been applied to some earlier studies. The results are quite satisfactory. The set of data of this study and the analysis controlling the daily (yearly) driving distance might make the “age” effect disappear.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Figen Ş. KALYONCUOĞLU, Mesut TIĞDEMİR

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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