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Indicators Affecting the Operation of Public Transport in Regions and Their Interfaces
Justina Ranceva, Rasa Ušpalytė-Vitkūnienė, Vaidotas Vaišis
Keywords:regional public transport, indicators, simple regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, correlation coefficient


The article reviews qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure transport demand. After the review of the indicators and taking into account the specificity of the analysed region and the availability of data, the selected indicators were divided into five indicators groups: demographic, public transport usage description, public transport service and infrastructure, automobilisation and economics. A database of relevant indicators has been developed to execute the evaluation. The study yielded three separate results: data of city municipalities, circular municipalities and regional municipalities. The purpose of this article is to identify the most important indicators that influence the passenger flows in regional public transport and to identify the interfaces between the indicators. The main raised hypothesis was that different groups of municipalities will have different key indicators influencing the use of public transport and that public transport planning cannot follow the same methods. Multiple Variable Analysis and Simple Regression Analysis were chosen to test the hypotheses and clarify the most important indicators. The analysis shows that unemployment has the greatest impact on the number of passengers on suburban routes, while bus mileage on suburban routes has the smallest impact. The number of buses also has an impact on suburban passenger flows.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Justina Ranceva, Rasa Ušpalytė-Vitkūnienė, Vaidotas Vaišis

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