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Public Transit Service-Opportunities in Commuter-Belt Municipalities – A Systemic Analysis of Two Districts in the Vienna Region
Tadej Brezina, Josef Michael Schopf, David Moncholi y Badillo
Keywords:public transport supply, rural district, station density, service-opportunities, potential demand,


Public transport in the transition zone from cities to rural areas is increasingly becoming a focus from the financial and public service provision perspective. The (perceived) supply differences of rural and remote areas are on the agenda of policy discourse. Our survey studies the public transport supply of two districts and their municipalities in the region of Vienna, Austria, by using the parameters of service-opportunities, municipal population, acreage of settlement units and potential demand. Annual service-opportunities is a parameter recorded by the public transport authority of the Vienna region for every single station under its zone of influence. These parameters are analyzed to conclude that service-opportunities pose a viable entity for systematic public transport analysis and differences in supply of these two districts are in contrast to expectations. Finally, we address the need for future development of service-opportunities based analyses.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Tadej Brezina, Josef Michael Schopf, David Moncholi y Badillo

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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