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New Graphical Approach to Railway Infrastructure Capacity Analysis
Jozef Gašparík, Borna Abramović, Martin Halás
Keywords:capacity estimation, train traffic diagram, occupation time, detection path, indicators,


A variety of methodologies are being used across Europe for the estimation of railway infrastructure capacity. This paper introduces the basic principles of the methodologies used – analytical methodology (e.g. Slovak railways), UIC methodology, and the graphically developed methodology of the Department of Railway Transport, University of Žilina (KŽD). On the basis of these new approaches, the occupation time estimation is researched. This new method is based on a graphic approach that uses operational time intervals as part of occupation time in accordance with the Slovak methodology. The new methodology concerns graphic capacity estimation and is a conceptual framework developed by the authors for easier evaluation of occupation time in train traffic diagrams.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Jozef Gašparík, Borna Abramović, Martin Halás

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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