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Development of Strategic Goals of Road Safety Management: A Case Study of Montenegro
Milenko Čabarkapa, Davor Brčić, Vujadin Vešović
Keywords:road safety management, strategy, strategic goals, road accidents, Montenegro,


Evaluation of the results of road safety management at the national level is carried out with a number of predefined indicators. These, predefined indicators should be measurable objectives of road safety management. They are set by national road safety strategies. This paper presents the control implementation of the Strategy to improve road safety in Montenegro for the period 2010-2019. The research showed that the five-year objectives of the National Strategy were achieved in the first years and significantly surmounted. This efficiency is achieved for two main reasons: the development of road safety management, and setting an unambitious, easily attainable goal. These findings are indicators that generally and globally set goals of reducing traffic fatalities cannot comprise at the same time national objectives in all countries. In this context, the methodological improvements of setting national strategic objectives established by the evidences on the national traffic safety issue are proposed.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Milenko Čabarkapa, Davor Brčić, Vujadin Vešović

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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