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Rail-induced Traffic in China
Nan He, Jitao Li, Yu Wang, Caiwen Ma
Keywords:train operation planning, rail-induced traffic, elasticity model, rail kilometres, rail passenger kilometres,


The rapid development of China’s railway has exerted an enormous influence on the intercity passenger transport structure in recent years. However, it has not satisfied the passengers’ travel demand due to induced traffic. This paper is committed to solving such issue, with the aim of satisfying the current travel demand, and of anticipating the demand of the predicted traffic growth over the next 20 to 30 years. The paper has considered the increase in rail passenger kilometres caused by the growth of rail kilometres as rail-induced traffic. Based on the concept and former research of induced traffic, the panel data of 26 provinces and 3 municipalities of China between the year 2000 and 2014 were collected, and the elasticity models (including elasticity-based model, distributed lag model, high-speed rail (HSR) elasticity model and rail efficiency model) have been constructed. The results show the importance of model formation incorporation of rail-induced traffic. It is better to get the correct value in divided zones with different train frequencies or incorporation rail efficiency in cities or provinces. The lag time and rail types also need to be considered. In summary, the results analysis not only confirms the existence of rail-induced traffic, but also provides substantial recommendations to train operation planning.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Nan He, Jitao Li, Yu Wang, Caiwen Ma

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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