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Creating Infrastructure for Urban Mobility: Case Study of Skopje
Daniela Koltovska Nečoska, Edouard Ivanjko, Daniel Pavleski
Keywords:urban mobility, infrastructure development, microscopic simulation, traffic congestion, evaluation


In this paper, a methodology for creating and testing new proposed transport infrastructure is presented. It is based on microscopic traffic simulation of current and forecasted traffic demand and in-depth analysis of traffic flow. The most congested boulevard in Skopje has been chosen as a use case. Real-world traffic flow data was collected and used in the calibration and validation of a microscopic simulation model. Three possible configurations of new urban mobility infrastructure have been proposed and best one chosen using appropriately defined criteria. The proposed configurations were evaluated from the aspect of traffic performances, suitability for forecasted future traffic demand, and vehicle emissions. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the presented methodology in reducing delays and vehicle emissions and significantly improving the level of service of the chosen use case.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Koltovska Nečoska, Edouard Ivanjko, Daniel Pavleski

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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