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Proposal of a Conceptual Architecture System for Informing the User in the IoT Environment
Marko Periša, Goran Marković, Peter Kolarovszki, Radovan Madleňák
Keywords:information management system, smart wristband, data collection, active daily living


Design and development of systems for delivering real-time information to people with disabilities and elderly persons need to be based on defined user requirements. For this purpose, the user requirements have been defined in this paper according to the everyday needs of people who use traffic networks and move in closed spaces. The logical presentation of the functionality of the informing system operation and its subsystems includes all the information (data) important for designing a user information delivery system. The paper presents a conceptual architecture system for delivering user informing services related to the environment based on the Internet of Things concept. The aim of the user informing service is an increase in the level of mobility of persons with disabilities and the senior age groups of users. In order to check the operation of the proposed architecture, the informing system operation was monitored on Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi platforms in laboratory conditions. A simulation confirmed the interdependence of individual data from different subsystems in order to provide real-time information to the system user. The proposed conceptual architecture can contribute to a more efficient approach to the modeling of assistive technologies (with the aim of informing the users) based on dew/fog/cloud technologies in the Internet of Things  environment.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Marko Periša, Goran Marković, Peter Kolarovszki, Radovan Madleňák

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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