The motivation of this research is to explore the contributing factors of driving distraction and compare the contributing factors for three typical distracted driving behaviours: drinking water, answering a phone and using mobile phone application (APP) while driving. An online survey including a driving behaviour scale and the Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire (TPB Questionnaire) was conducted to obtain data related to these driving distractions. An integral structural equation model based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) was established to explain the factors causing three typical distracted behaviours, and the causes of differences for three typical distracted behaviours were compared. The result shows that the attitudes and perceived behaviour control are the main factors causing distracted behaviours, and the subjective norm has a significant impact on answering a phone while driving. The occurrence of a distracted driving behaviour is the consequence of behaviour intention and perceived behaviour control. These conclusions provide insights for implementing behaviour modification and traffic laws education.
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