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Comparison of User Experiences Based on Watching 360° Immersive Video and Reality – A Case Study of a Scooter Ride
Fei-Hui Huang, Huang, Fei-Hui ,
Keywords:riding experience, traffic experience, immersive environment, 360-degree panoramic videos


This paper compares the user experiences (UXs) while riding a scooter on the road to watching a 360° immersive scooter ride video in a laboratory using a Head-mounted Display (HMD) projection system. The aim of this study is to determine whether watching through an HMD projection system produces similar feelings of attractiveness, practicality, and enjoyment for the riding experience as riding on a real scooter. The data were collected from an experiment involving a total of 59 individual scooter commuters. The participants were asked to watch a 360° immersive video and to complete a user experience questionnaire (UEQ). The results verified that a virtual reality (VR) service with an HMD and panoramic scooter riding video content may be used as an experience tool to create reality-like scooter riding experiences for the users. Furthermore, the important factors that influence a user’s continued usage of watching 360° immersive video services were found to be attractiveness and pragmatic quality. Based on these results, a number of suggestions are proposed for the design of related VR services to strengthen the advantages of 360° immersive video in simulated two-wheeler ride experiences and providing road safety education.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Fei-Hui Huang, Huang, Fei-Hui ,

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