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Supply Chain Information Collaborative Simulation Model Integrating Multi-Agent and System Dynamics
Ning Yang, YingZi Ding, Junge Leng, Lei Zhang
Keywords:supply chain management, information collaboration, multi-agent, system dynamics, computer simulation


Supply chain collaboration management is a system-atic, integrated and agile advanced management mode, which helps to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and the entire supply chain. In order to realise the synergy of supply chain, the most important is to realise the dynam-ic synergy of information. Here we proposed a strategy to integrate system dynamics and multi-agent system model-ling methods. Based on the strategy of supply chain infor-mation sharing and coordination, a two-level aggregation hybrid model was designed and established. Through the computer simulation analysis of the two modes before and after information collaboration, it is found that under the information collaboration mode, the change trend of or-der or inventory of suppliers and manufacturers always closely matches that of retailers. After the implementation of supply chain information coordination, ordering and inventory can be reasonably planned and matched, and problems such as over-stocking or short-term failure to meet order demands caused by poor information commu-nication will no longer occur, which can greatly reduce the “bullwhip effect”.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Ning Yang, YingZi Ding, Junge Leng, Lei Zhang

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