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CATWOOD – Reverse Logistics Process Model for Quantitative Assessment of Recovered Wood Management
Boštjan Vimpolšek, Andrej Lisec
Keywords:reverse logistics, transportation, mechanistic modelling, LCA, societal LCC, recovered wood


Modern environmental and economic challenges in waste management require transition from linear to cir-cular economic flow. In practice, this entails consider-able challenges that include the change of material circle flux, the application of mathematical modelling and the use of life cycle thinking – also in the field of recovered wood (RW). To this end, the reverse logistics process model CATWOOD (CAscade Treatment of WOOD) with mechanistic modelling for detailed planning of the RW reverse flow with regular collection, innovative (cas-cade) sorting based on RW quality and environmentally sound recovery has been designed. As a decision support, the quantitative methods of life-cycle assessment (LCA) and societal life-cycle costing (SLCC) have been incor-porated into the CATWOOD, which can choose among a few alternative scenarios. A case study has been per-formed in the Posavje region in Slovenia, which has discovered that reverse logistics scenarios for reuse are environmentally friendlier than those for recycling or en-ergy recovery, but also more costly, mainly because of extensive manual labour needed and less heavy technol-ogy involved in sorting and recovery processes. Sensitiv-ity analysis has exposed that modifying the values of the input parameters may change the final LCA and SLCC results in scenarios observed.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Boštjan Vimpolšek, Andrej Lisec

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