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Utjecaj lijekova na vozačke sposobnosti čovjeka
Husein Džanić, Emir Džanić


This paper deals with the drugs which affect the psychophysical characteristic of man, commonly known as trigonic drugs. In the spirit of our regulations trigonic fall into the category of those drugs ultimately prohibited to motorists and machine operators and the category of those drugs known for possible effects upon the psychophysical characteristics of a motorist. It has been suggested to the motorists to study carefully respective instructions for use i.e. administration of these drugs and get familiar with the effects and side-effects of the medicine. Trigonics have been indicated to account for some 12% of all road traffic accidents reported causes.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Husein Džanić, Emir Džanić

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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