As an interdisciplinary science, ergonomics needs to makethe operating of traffic safer, faster and more reliable, for thesake of higher profitability and generally improved economiceffects. This is achieved by adapting and shaping the workplace,machines, transport means, equipment, physical environment,working process etc. according to experience abouthuman anatomic physica~ sociologica~ intellectual and otherminimal, average or maximal capabilities. Therefore, it is necessaryto analyse ergonomics from the standpoint of better productivenessof humans, greater safety (comfort) and security ingeneral.References
Button, K. J,: Transport Economics, 2nd Edition, Edward
Eiger, Aldershot, 1993, p. 21
Peric, T., lvakovic, C.: »Zastita u prometu>>, FPZ, Zagreb,
p. 171
Rotim, F.: Elementi sigumosti cestovnog prometa, Ekspertize
prometnih nezgoda, Zagreb, 1989, pp. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6,
Statistical Yearbook, Fortieth Issue, United Nations,
New York, 1995, p. 154 and 179-184
Cicek, J.: Citation from the review, taken from Voncina
F.: Covjekova okolina i natin ugroiavanja i zastita, Zagreb,
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