Capital city airports in the European countries realise trafficvolume of several thousands to several hundred thousandaircraft operations i. e. landings and takeoffs annually. In itsAirport Planning Manual, the International Civil Aviation Organizationrecommends that the capital city airports have atleast two runways in order to avoid complete closing down ofthe airport in cases of aircraft accidents on the runway or therunway strip, due to repair or maintenance of the runway, removalof snow, unlawful interference in civil aviation etc. Thepaper analyses the current situation in traffic and the capacitiesof the manoeuvring areas at the European capital city airports.References
Airport Planning Manual, Part 1, Master planning, Second
Edition, Doe 9184-AN/902 Part 1, International
Civil Aviation Organization, Montreal, Canada, 1987.
Airport Characteristics Data Bank, International Civil
Aviation Organization, Montreal, Canada, 2002
Data on airports have been obtained from the following
web pages:
Aerodromes, Annex 14 to the Convention on International
Civil Aviation, International Civil Aviation
Organization, Montreal, Canada, 1999.