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Analytic Approach to Resolving Parking Problems in Downtown Zagreb
Adolf Malić, Marko Pušić, Milan Gredelj


Parking issue is one of the major problems in Zagreb, andin relation to that Zagreb does not differ from other similar orbigger European cities. The problem the city is facing is beingpresented in the paper. It is complex and can be solved gradually,using operative and planning measures, by applying influentialparameters assessments based on which the appropriateparking-garage spaces assessment would be selected. Besides,all the knowledge learned from experiences of similar Europeancities should be used in resolving stationary traffic problem.Introduction of fast public urban transport would providepassengers with improved services (particularly in relation tothe travelling time) introducing modern traffic system thatwould reduce the travelling time to below 30 minutes for the farthestrelations. Further improvement in reducing parking problemsin downtown as well as Zagreb broader area would not bepossible without t,nplementing th.s approach.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Adolf Malić, Marko Pušić, Milan Gredelj

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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