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Science Communication in Electronic Journals in the Field of Traffic and Transport
Mira Bačić, Darko Furač, Vesna Golubović


Electronic journals have become an inevitable source ofscientific information. Their advantage, in relation to theprinted journals results from the characteristics of the media:they are available to all the interested users at the same time, beforethan the printed version, and they are not necessarily relatedto the location of the library. Since one of the basic roles oflibrarians in the process of disseminating scientific and professionalinformation is to provide the users with the informationwhich they need and when they need it, the librarians tend to informthe users primarily about the available electronic sources.The objective of this work is to systematize the journals in thefield of transportation sciences through an overview of journalsthat are available to the Croatian academic community in thedatabases of full text articles at the National and University Library,and the libraries of scientific institutions and faculties,which are gathered around the subsystems of the Scientific InformationSystem. In the aggregated databases of EBSCO Publishing,34 journals from the field of transportation scienceswere selected, and in the publisher databases the following wasselected: 8 titles by the publisher Kluwer Academic Publishing,24 titles by the publisher Elsevier Science, 6 titles by SpringerVerlag and 3 titles by the publisher John Wiley & Sons. For theselected full text journals the Impact factor (IF) was used fromthe Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The data on indexing andabstracting rates in the secondary databases for individual journalswere taken from the ULRICH'S database.


Ujevic T.: Elektronicki modeli znanstvenog komuniciranja.

Zagreb, Filozofski fakultet, 2003. Master's thesis.

Zupanovic 1.: Tehnologija cestovnog prijevoza. Zagreb,

Fakultet prometnih znanosti, 2002.

Bacic M, Skrinjaric 1.: Bibliometrijska analiza dvadeset

dosadasnjih volumena casopisaActa Stomatologica Croatica.

Acta Stom Croat 1986; 20: 21-9.

Mihel I, Grfetic V.: Nabava casopisa u 2002. godini:

konzorcijski pristup. Kemija u industriji 2002; 51:


Hiremath U.: Electronic consortia : resource sharing in

the digital age. Collection Building 2001; 20: 80-7.

Katalozi i baze (Internet page). Zagreb: Nacionalna i

sveucilisna knjiznica; (downloaded on February 27,

. Available at address:

http://www uge/ka talozi. h trnl

Sustav znanstvenih informacija RH (Internet page).

Zagreb: Ministarstvo znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta;

(downloaded on February 27, 2004). Available at


Lackovic Z, Cecuk Lj, Buneta Z.: editors. Mjera za

znanost. Zagreb: Medicinska naklada; 1991.

ISI, Institute for Scientific Information. Available at:


JCR, Journal citation reports on CD-ROM: Philadelphia:

Institute for Scientific. Information, 2003.

Maricic S.: The Mainstream-peripheral science communication.

Available at: URL:

Stegmann J. Building a List of Journals with Constructed

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Garfield E. The use of JCR and JP! in measuring shortand

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Garfield E. How can impact factors be improved?.

Available at: URL:


Ulricb's Periodicals Directory (database on the Internet).

New Providence, NJ: Bowker; (downloaded on

February 27, 2004). Available at address:


EBSCO Publishing (database on the Internet). Birmingham,

Ala.: EBSCO Industries Inc.; (downloaded

on February 27, 2004). Available at address:

Copyright (c) 2023 Mira Bačić, Darko Furač, Vesna Golubović

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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