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Influence of Vibrations on Spherical Joint Endurance in Service
Zdravko Bukljaš, Branimir Pavić, Slavko Šušmak


The paper deals with the causes and consequences of vibrationsoccurring dwing service on spherical joints in vehicles. Itexplains the main causes of vibrations and their effects on themost fragile joint elements, and shows the damages on the jointswface. On the basis of these considerations, conclusions aredrawn regarding their influence on the lifetime and loading capabilityof the joint assembly. Consequently, recommendationsfor optimum conditions for fitting into vehicles and se1vice canbe given. The paper also deals with the problem of determiningvibrations as one of the element showing the state of joints inservice, as well as using the results in order to detect early damageon spherical joints in vehicles.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Zdravko Bukljaš, Branimir Pavić, Slavko Šušmak

Published by
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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