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Factors of Airline Marketing
Ivan Mišetić, Sanja Steiner, Mirko Tatalović


The paper addresses several marketing related notions associatedwith airline strategic planning and positioning. Besideexamining the distinctions between network operator and nicheplayer, this paper treats the state of Croatia Airlines within thereported AEA benchmarking of the specific elements of airlinebusiness. It also studies certain aspects of the air market that influencepricing and demand elasticity, such as the impact oflow cost carriers and the practice of network hubbing.


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according to tables 1-38, prepared by the authors

TRL: Op. cit., pp. 75 and 79

Copyright (c) 2023 Ivan Mišetić, Sanja Steiner, Mirko Tatalović

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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