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Analysis of the ECO Test Results for Vehicles in the Republic of Croatia
Dražen Kovačević, Branko Maković, Davor Sumpor


The work presents the classification of engines for theECO test requirement at the technical inspection of vehicles.The types of harmful components in the raw emission of internalcombustion engine are listed and described, as well asthe possibilities of their reduction. In accordance with theclassification of engines for the ECO test requirements the allowedvalues of harmful components according to the legallystipulated standards in Croatia are given. The study includedthe number of vehicles that passed the ECO test at technicalinspection in 2004 and these were then statistically processedand analyzed according to the type of vehicle, classification ofcar engines for the ECO test requirements and the year ofproduction.


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, pp. 351-355

Copyright (c) 2023 Dražen Kovačević, Branko Maković, Davor Sumpor

Published by
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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