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Gap Acceptance at Non–Standard Unsignalised Intersections
Nenad Ruškić, Valentina Mirović
Keywords:capacity, priority, non-standard unsignalised intersection, gap acceptance, follow-up headway, critical headway


Non-standard unsignalised intersections are very common in European countries with old street networks. The major road often bends at an angle at the centre of an intersection, which makes the intersection non-standard. There are very few papers about the capacity analysis and headway values at these intersections, even though non-standard intersections are widespread not only in Europe but also in the rest of the world. Regarding the fact that priority at the non-standard unsignalised intersection (NSUI) differs from the standard unsignalised intersection (SUI) and the conflict flows, it can be expected that headways are not the same as those at the SUI. Consequently, the capacity at the NSUI differs from that at the SUI. This paper gives critical headway and follow-up headway values at 3-leg and 4-leg NSUI collected by on-field measurement. Recommendations for the values used for the capacity analysis are given, and recommended values are compared at SUI and NSUI.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Nenad Ruškić, Valentina Mirović

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