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Significance and Role of International Standards in Development of Croatian Nautical Tourism
Srećko Favro, Mirjana Kovačić, Zvonko Gržetić


The authors of this paper have systematically studied the trends of increasing demand in nautical tourism. The increasing demand is followed by a significant increase of threats to the environment, but also to boaters and their vessels participating in nautical activities. The authors emphasise the obligation to observe safety requirements through defined and controlled procedures in marinas and at sea and implementation of international standards during the stages of organisation of nautical economy, i. e. nautical tourism with complementary activities. The authors explicate the implementation of international standards for selecting locations for marinas, construction and equipment of marinas and vessels, training of boaters – skippers, business operations of subjects and objects of nautical tourism and promotion of their services. Special attention is given to safety standards and procedures during emergencies at sea and in the ports. Each vessel is expected to have a GPS (Global Positioning System) device and a box similar to a black box in aeroplanes which could be used for reconstructing accidents. Radar systems, AIS system (Automatic Identification System) and alarm systems will minimise the time for interventions. The intervention procedures at sea are currently being determined aimed at minimising the time, but improvements are still needed. Special attention is also given to activities related to resolving crises, analysis of the existing and the potential causes and to defining of preventive actions. KEY WORDS: nautical tourism, international standards, crises


Copyright (c) 2023 Srećko Favro, Mirjana Kovačić, Zvonko Gržetić

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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