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Modelling Compensation Policy for Quality and Delay Deterioration in Rail Transport
Tatiana Molkova, Ivo Hruban


The contribution deals with the customers’ claims on provided services during train delay in personal railway transport. There is comparison between the situation in the Czech Republic (Brno main station) and Austria (Wien Westbahnhof) in the contribution. Development of the compensation policy cannot be based only on customer requirements. If the railway company focuses on providing compensation for delays, it must follow its economic balance. However, as the passengers' opinion survey showed, the negative impact of delays can be reduced by providing adequate information to passengers. Based on the passengers' opinion survey, it is necessary to consider the Regulation 1371/2007/ES as the minimum of the possible and on the basis of this reasoning to compile a compensation policy. The costs associated with compensation for the delay should be divided according to the causes of the delay among the individual culprits, so that railway undertakings bear the responsibility even for delays arising from reasons that are beyond the control of the railway undertaking itself.



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Copyright (c) 2023 Tatiana Molkova, Ivo Hruban

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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