Traffic&Transportation Journal
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About the Journal

The journal Promet – Traffic&Transportation is an internationally indexed scientific journal, published by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb.

The mission of our journal is to provide high quality communication of research results, which is crucial for the effectiveness of scientific research, the promotion of scientific information, new ideas, and original research in the field of traffic and transportation engineering.

Young and prosperous editorial board, consist of excellent researchers in the field of traffic and transportation engineering that strive to be constructive and critical while managing review procedure, upgrading the quality of the journal. To fulfill our aim to make our publications globally recognized, the journal will continue the long tradition of open access to make scientific papers available to all interested parties.

Themes that are in our focus are modern, innovative, sustainable research in the field of traffic and transportation engineering, where we want to promote scientific work focused to highlight ecology, safety, sustainable infrastructure, optimal operations, digital surroundings, new technologies, all to upgrade the process quality, reduce costs and the impact of our scientific field on the environment.

The editorial policy of Promet – Traffic&Transportation journal will be based on providing timely, high quality and competent information so that accepted papers will be published in the shortest possible time. Our focus will be on finding good and interesting papers and helping authors prepare valuable work for international review. We will adhere to the criteria of scientific excellence and to the highest standards and international editorial conventions that apply in scientific publishing. To promote young researchers and give them space in the scientific research community is also our mission!

We are proud of our history of continuous publishing, our thematic focus in the field of technical sciences, and our international outlook. In this context, we will strive to become even better!

Ivona Bajor, Ph.D.

Focus and Scope

The journal Promet – Traffic&Transportation is an internationally indexed scientific journal, published by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb. The mission of the journal is to provide high-quality communication of research results, which is crucial for the effectiveness of scientific research, the promotion of the scientific information and new ideas, and original research in the field of traffic and transportation engineering.

Our vision is to publish relevant scientific papers to become a focal point for the promotion of scientific activity in the global environment and among our readers and authors.

The received papers are subject to peer review in accordance with the recommendations for international scientific journals and classified into one of the following categories:

  • Original Scientific Paper (contains unpublished results of research in full);
  • Review (contains authentic, concise and critical presentation of an area or its part, in which authors participate actively themselves).

The papers are assigned to the following sections or columns:

  • Application of Artificial Intelligence
  • Automation and Autonomous Vehicles
  • Data Analysis and Modeling
  • Economics
  • Education and Research
  • Engineering and Infrastructure
  • Human-Transport Interaction
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
  • Logistics
  • Management and Planning
  • Next-Generation Transportation Systems
  • Policy and Law
  • Safety and Security
  • Smart Cities and Urban Mobility
  • Sustainable Solutions

The entire process of paper publication is performed via Open Journal System (OJS).

The Journal is indexed in the following databases: WoS (SCIE), Scopus, TRID, GEOBASE, Fluidex, Hrčak and DOAJ.

The Journal is covered in the Clarivate Analytics services.

The Journal uses iThenticate and Turnitin plagiarism detection software.

Published by
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
Online ISSN
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