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A Novel Hybrid Evaluation Method for Transfer Efficiency Assessment between Rail Transit and Public Bicycles
Dongmei Yan, Jianhua Guo, Guo, Jianhua , , Zhao Liu, Liu, Zhao , , Wei Huang, Huang, Wei ,
Keywords:rail transit, public bicycles, transfer efficiency, analytic hierarchy process, entropy method, grey comprehensive evaluation method


This paper proposes a new hybrid evaluation method including Improved Analytic Hierarchy Process (IAHP), Entropy Method (EM), and Grey Comprehensive Evaluation Method (GCEM) to assess the transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles. In particular, the IAHP method that replaces the nine-scale approach with three-scale approach to naturally meet the consistency requirements is applied to qualitatively calculate the weights of evaluation indices, the EM method is utilized to calculate the weights of evaluation indices with relatively high degrees of quantification, and the GCEM method is used to calculate the transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles. In addition, a three-level evaluation-index system including target level, criteria level and index level is established. A numerical example is also provided to verify the feasibility of the proposed hybrid evaluation method and explore the reasons for low transfer efficiency between rail transit and public bicycles.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Dongmei Yan, Jianhua Guo, Guo, Jianhua , , Zhao Liu, Liu, Zhao , , Wei Huang, Huang, Wei ,

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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