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Holistic Thinking Aproach: Case Study of Post Network in Slovenia
Andrej Lisec, Bojan Rosi, Zvonko Kavran


Modern complexity of management is associated with importantdecision making, confronting a great number of uselessinformation. Selection of information- the choice of only qualityones, i. e. essential ones, is a big problem in management decision-making. Implementation of systemic approach i. e. dialectical-network thinking (DNT) can help to deal with it. Thepaper presents a holistic thinking approach in a case study forthe Slovenian parcel postal problem. The volume of parcelflows at the Post of Slovenia between Posts is increasing rapidlyand it requires a new design of the postal network. This paperpresents a reorganization of parcel services between Postal LogisticsCenters and Posts by adding Regional Parcel Centersand Parcel Posts to the network. A case for the area covered byLjubljana Postal Logistics Center is given, which takes intoconsideration the sorting out and the retaining of parcels in thePosts, Parcel Posts and Regional Parcel Centers within their individualareas.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Andrej Lisec, Bojan Rosi, Zvonko Kavran

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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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